

Ph.D. Thesis: Interactions of large cardinal axioms, generalized continuum hypothesis, and forcing, September 2017.

M.Sc. Thesis: Extending partial automorphisms in graphs and metric spaces, September 2011.


(4) Ali Sadegh Daghighi and Massoud Pourmahdian, On Some Properties of Shelah CardinalsBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume 44, Issue 5, pp 1117–1124, 2018. [Arxiv/Journal/MathSciNet]

(3) Ali Sadegh Daghighi, The Role of Definability in Tree Property, in Logic around the World: On the occasion of the 5th annual conference of the Iranian Association for Logic,  Andisheh & Farhange Javidan Publications, Tehran 2017.

(2) Ali Sadegh Daghighi and Massoud Pourmahdian, The definable tree property for successors of cardinals, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 2016, Volume 55, Issue 5, pp 785–798. [Arxiv/Journal/MathSciNet]

(1) Ali Sadegh Daghighi, Mohammad Golshani, Joel David Hamkins, and Emil Jeřábek, The foundation axiom and elementary self-embeddings of the universe, in Infinity, computability, and metamathematics: Festschrift celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch, S. Geschke, B. Löwe, and P. Schlicht, Eds., Coll. Publ., London, 2014, vol. 23, pp. 89-112. [Arxiv/Journal/MathSciNet]


(2) Ali Sadegh Daghighi, Jamshid Derakhshan, Melvin Fitting, Dov Gabbay, Massoud Pourmahdian, and Adrian Rezus (Editors), Landscapes in LogicCollege Publications, London 2020, In Preparation.

(1) Ali Sadegh Daghighi and Massoud Pourmahdian (Editors), Logic around the World,  Andisheh & Farhange Javidan Publishing, Tehran 2017 [252 pp.] [ISBN: 978-600-6386-99-7]